Friday, July 16, 2010

keeping it clean.

I'm in the middle of a small plateau, having not lost anything for about a week and a half. So.... I'm cleaning up my calories a little over the next few days to make sure I'm not going too over. As I said in the previous post, my goal for calories is somewhere around 1200-1600. I'm going to tightly watch my calories though and aim for right around 1300. The only part I'm disliking about counting calories is how often I'm REALLY hungry.

I notice that somedays I just have a metabolism SURGE and I know those are the days that if I'm diligent with my diet, I can make some good headway on weight loss. However, if I just eat till I'm full on those days... not so much. Today, is one of those days. I woke up hungry at 5am. So, before the day got started, I planned out my calories perfectly so I'd know exactly where I was going to end up.

Here's what today looks like calorie wise:
(6am) rice cake with some honey - 75
(9am) oatmeal, apple, honey, flax, sunflower butter - 385
(11:30am) {see, seriously hungry}
1/2 black bean patty - 75
1.5 c of black bean soup & ezekiel bread with honey - 340
rice cake with honey - 75
(post-run snack) larabar - 220
(dinner) asian veggie salad with chicken burger patty - 300
(coffee/soy milk) 50
.... that puts me at 1520, DEFINITELY over 1300.

Now, if I can skip that Larabar & just eat dinner, I will.
But otherwise, I'll try tomorrow to hit 1300!

here's the 1/2 black bean burger from heaven.


benja finishing the rest of the black bean burger.
thank goodness or I would've scarfed that sucker down.

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